The first step in developing and building an effective food safety and food quality program is gap analysis. An FSI Gap Analysis Activity will assist in identifying gaps in your written and physical food safety and food quality plans. Gaps that could potentially present a food safety risk are critically identified during this process. FSI utilizes specialized industry-specific formats to perform gap analysis. Completed documentation is user friendly and helps guide the facilities Management Team in developing and implementing new preventive controls and control measures, that help to reduce and prevent risks that are known to occur and likely to occur.
Phase I
• Review of biological, chemical and physical hazards that are known to occur and likely to occur throughout all phases of receiving of goods, processing, production, packaging and sanitation
• Review of procedures, policies, written plans, protocols and records that are already in place to prevent and control risks, including quality failure response, product traceability and the recall program
• Review of verification and validation programs, efficacy and record keeping
• Review of approved ingredients supplier standards and approved supplier validation programs
• Review of key environmental conditions that impact food safety and food quality
• Verification of the food process and flow diagrams
Phase II
• Inspection of the building exteriors/interiors, its surroundings and environmental impacts
• Inspection of hygienic design of equipment used for processing and sanitation
• Inspection of packaging, ingredient and product storage areas
• Inspection and review of the Food Defense Program
• Observation of employee food handling, food preparation and sanitation practices
• Observation of cleaning processes, employee compliance and record keeping
• Observation and review of CGMPs
Self-Assessment Tasks
• FSI provides guidance in the development of a self-assessment program and document